Saturday, September 29, 2007

UN educating children through video games...

I don't know many things that the UN does, but this has to be the coolest. The United Nations World Food Program designed a game to teach youths about the issue of global hunger.

The game is designed for 8 to 13-year-olds, and allows children to take the role of a Food Force aid worker. Essentially it challenges them to solve actual problems Food Force workers encounter. I think it's pretty amazing they can make the game so realistic yet interesting and fun to the children. The game has got a great response from both educators and the children playing it.

I really think more games like this need to come out. It's making an issue like world hunger interesting, and important to children, who would otherwise never of thought of it as much of a problem. Cheers to you United Nations!

Air Force using Video Games for Recruitment?

In this blog I try and focus on positive, unique uses of video games. However, this week I stumbled across an article regarding the United States Air Force using video games as a recruitment tool.

Halo 3 was released this week, so playing off the hype of that the Air Force set up a Halo tournament. Using the back of a pimped out military SUV, they attracted many adolescent gamers.

What is wrong with this? Well first the game is rated "Mature", so it's for ages 17 and older. Many gamers were near 13, much younger than the intended age. Secondly I think its appalling that they are using a video game as means to recruit people to the military, when they know they will attract teenagers. Do you feel this is morally right?

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Video Games as Physical Therapy?

Continuing with the Nintendo Wii theme this week I came across an article highlighting a U.S. soldier in Germany whose doctor orders him to play video games. The time he spends playing helps rehabilitate his wrist and elbow he broke from a vehicle accident while serving in Kuwait.

Military therapists think it's more effective using video games rather than exercises because the game takes your mind off the motions you are doing. Therefore you can do more motions, and at a faster rate; both huge pluses.

It's pretty awesome that "video game therapy" is effective. And defiantly a great alternative from normal physical therapy. I can certainly see more people in therapy requesting such a program from their physician.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Wii a Huge Hit at Retirement Home

While browsing the web today I came across this image from an article from the Chicago Tribune. It showcased a retirement home in Illinois where the Nintendo Wii has become immensely popular. On the weekends they hold bowling tournaments on the Wii. 20 people are allowed to sign up for it, while many more people come and watch. I find it pretty comical that older folks are enjoying the same video games as I. It's like those board games that tell you fun from age 8 to 80. Hopefully with all this added stimulation none of the seniors will get hurt.

Monday, September 17, 2007

So It Begins...

Hello, and welcome to my blog that is going to be focusing on the unique topic of video games used for nontraditional audiences. This will be a researched based blog for the course Comn 274 at SUNY Geneseo. Hopefully I will provide some interesting and entertaining insight on this topic for you to enjoy.