I always thought giving all that medication to little kids for things like ADD and ADHD was bad. Apparently researchers in Sydney, Australia feel the same.
They are planning to do a study with kids who have ADHD to hopefully prove video games increase their ability to focus. This experiment is being conducted after American researchers reported last week the benefits of non-medical intervention in the treatment of ADHD.
The way this study works is giving children video games that have built-in biofeedback controls. It monitors things like heart rate and brainwave patterns to see how much concentration a child can gather while playing the game. If the child's heart rate or brainwaves drop below a certain rate they lose control of the video game their playing.
I think this study is so interesting not just because video games are involved, but because it could help prove all this medication we are giving our children is not necessary at all.
You should check the full article out over at the Sydney Newspaper's Website.