Saturday, October 6, 2007

An Advertising Company only for video games...

Halo 3 made $300 million dollars in one week smashing any opening record held by a movie; or any other entertainment source for that matter. This is just another example to the media that the male demographic of 18 to 36 year olds aren't really watching TV anymore, but rather embracing video games as the preferred medium.

To capitalize on the success of video games are these new advertising companies that operate exclusively with video game companies. The forerunner of these companies is Massive Incorporated. Visiting their website, I was amazed to see how in depth the website was. It showcased the different types of advertisements they can blend into different games, as well as detailing the technology they use.

The thing about video game advertising that I don't like is many of the ads are subliminal. They are selling products in many cases to young kids, who don't even know they are being advertised too. Also as someone who plays games, I hope that in the future video games don't become as littered with ads, as websites, and television shows have become.

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