Saturday, November 17, 2007

A video game you play by using only your mind?

Yep, you read it right, no more need for controllers. A team from Washington University at St. Louis, shown in the picture to the right, successful devised a game that you can play with only your mind.

The experiment the scientists conducted was connecting a piece of hardware that recorded a 14-year-olds brain activity. Then they programmed the game "Space Invaders" to interface with these brain waves. The result was the boy being able to control and shoot the spaceship by only thinking about it.

Now you might be wondering why this is important. Well it just so happens that this is the kind of research that is necessary for progress in the field of artificial limbs. If this technology of moving things with your mind is perfected, we will be able to control artificial limbs with just our imagination. Can you imagine moving a prosthetic leg or arm, just by thinking about it?

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