Saturday, November 3, 2007

Video Games Help those with Food Stamps?

This might be an even greater video game than that UN World Hunger game I wrote about a couple weeks ago. In this game pack, released in Michigan, young adults who have food stamps are challenged to eat as healthy and as cheap as possible.

The Fantastic Food Challenge, is a four game package that is essentially designed for those with food stamps to make better use of their money. Because so many young adults played such games as kids, they ought to be able to learn more easily from them, too, said the project's director.

In the one game, "Price Makes Sense", players have to use their math skills to figure out the best food deal; for instance, that six servings of eggs at $1.20 is cheaper per serving than five servings of chicken at $2.00.

I find it funny that Michigan Service employees find it interesting this game pack is more effective than the charts and pamphlets they use to hand out. I mean who wants to read about how they can be better spenders when they can play a computer game doing it? Seems like common sense to me, what do you guys think?

Check out the Full Article from on the Food Stamps Game Pack

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